
  • I have now successfully cleared out my blog drafts folder. There are only two drafts left. One is a list of potential subjects for posts, and it’s pretty much a permanent fixture. The other is a post about a local plant. I haven’t finished it because I want to add some photos. Rather than dig through thousands of old photos looking from the ones I need, maybe I’ll just take some new ones later this year. Clearing out this folder was not officially on my to-do for the weekend, but I’m glad it’s done. It always feels good to battle clutter and win.
  • Also not on my to-do list was clearing out the fruit drawer of the fridge. But, as I was looking in the drawer for an apple, I noticed a bunch of wizened oranges staring back at me. Ick. So I took everything out and tossed anything that was sus. A few pieces of fruit had started to rot, but none had reached the liquid stage, so I’m calling that a win. It doesn’t look like I did anything, though, because we had stashes of apples all over the fridge, and by the time they were all put in the drawer, the drawer was full again. Oh, well.
  • I finished reading My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George, bringing my Top 100 Children’s Books total up to 98. Only two to go!

P.S. I really hate the time change. The day felt like it was over before I’d really gotten started, and I didn’t get nearly as much done as I’d hoped.

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Reading Report: 3/9/2024

Earlier this year, I wrote, “It would be great if I could manage to write at least a few lines about each book that I finish in 2024.” It was an easy thing to write but it’s not so easy to do. The only way to tackle it is one book at a time, so let me get started with this post about the first book I finished this year.

Scythe by Neal Shusterman, A

The premise: In the distant future, a seemingly benevolent AI has taken over the world. Human disease, pain, aging, and death have been largely eliminated through technological developments, and the AI entity (known as the Thunderhead) keeps everything, including food production, running smoothly. But though people rarely die naturally (at least not permanently, unless their bodies are destroyed beyond redemption, as in a fire), it was decided that a certain number of people still needed to die each year, so the Scythes were created. Scythes are experts in weapons, combat, and the methodology of death, and their role in society is to end lives. It is supposed to be a moral, principled job, never driven by bias or love of killing. By law, the Thunderhead cannot interfere with the scythes, so it’s an entirely human system, and over time it has become corrupted. When apprentice scythes Citra and Rowan find their existence threatened by this corruption, they have no choice but to try to fix it, each in their own way.

My reaction: I originally bought this book as a Christmas present for Livia, but then worried it might be too dark/mature. I decided to read it first, then give it to her if I thought it was OK. Time has passed, and I worry less now about what Livia reads, so perhaps I needn’t have bothered to read it myself at this point. However, I’m glad I did. Though the subject matter is dark, the book is a real page-turner with some great plot twists. I haven’t specifically given it to Livia to read, but I told her that she could if she wanted to. I’m currently reading the sequel.

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Did Not and Will Do

I didn’t watch Biden’s State of the Union. Every moment that he’s speaking feels like a potential landmine to me. It’s bad enough that he’s likely to say things that certain people will jump all over, but what if he says something that definitively shows he’s unfit for office? I can’t handle the stress. I don’t know how we’ll make it to November or how, if things go poorly, we’ll make it past.

But one lesson learned over the last decade, if not yet fully implemented, is that while national issues are important, my everyday focus needs to be on my own life. Dwelling on the big messes that I can’t control makes little sense when there are smaller messes all around me that I could control if I so chose. Perspective.

So what messes can I control this weekend? Quite a few. I made myself a to-do list, the first I’ve made in a while. It’s long, but everything on it is small and easily doable.

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Musical Miscellany

  • Did you know that the famous Minuet in G wasn’t actually written by Bach? It was written by a guy named Christian Petzold. The mistaken attribution was discovered decades ago, so we all ought to have learned the truth by now, but old misinformation dies hard. And now that I know the truth, it’s creating a dissonance in my brain, because I so strongly associate that tune with Bach.
  • Speaking of brain problems, a couple of weeks ago I completely forgot what time my music lesson was at. I left the house with the intention of getting there for 3:00, which hasn’t been the correct lesson time for months. It’s alarming when an important piece of information randomly falls out of your brain, and it could have caused me some trouble. Luckily, my husband commented on the fact that I seemed to be leaving earlier than usual, which made me wonder if something was amiss, and ultimately I figured it out before I showed up at my teacher’s house a half hour early. All’s well that ends well, I guess, but I am left wondering if more similar occurrences (what some would call “senior moments”) might be in the offing. Ugh, I hope not. I’ve got enough problems as it is!
  • Some days I just can’t seem to face the music. The keyboard reproaches me with its silence.
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  • In addition to my weekly music lessons and composition assignments, I’ve been reading music theory books and websites, listening to recordings, and watching various music-related YouTube videos. I mentioned some things I’d seen online to my teacher, and he said, “You consume a lot of media, don’t you?” I don’t normally group music and literature in the “media” category, and I don’t (usually) spend much time on social media or the news anymore, so I had considered my overall media consumption to be down. But he’s right. I do still consume a lot of media, and I probably should cut back, at least on the ones that I use my eyes for.
  • Speaking of books, I have an idea for a novel. Since I never finished any of my previous attempts, and because I’m out of practice writing, I’m not feeling much inclined to start on a new one. But the idea is tempting….
  • I only just took down the Christmas tree last week. The tree was up for over two months. That might have been the longest stretch ever, though I’m not sure, because there was at least one other year that the tree stayed up well into February. All I know is that it’s symptomatic of a persistent bad mood. I’m hoping that the spring season will perk me up some.
  • Speaking of spring, the daffodils are starting to come up, and it’s lovely to see green returning to the world.
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  • I started learning how to write music in canon, and it’s sort of amazing. It’s a perpetual music machine. You can cap it off, but the potential is always there to go on and on and on, forever, into musical infinity.
  • Regarding that $3,000 medical bill, I told the hospital, “Bill me a reasonable amount and I’ll pay it.” They replied, “The price is the price.” So I told them to go pound sand. There have been many exorbitant medical bills that have taken me by surprise over the years, including my recent MRI. In America, healthcare always costs more than it should, and health insurance never covers as much as it ought. I’ve paid every bill up to this point, though, as ridiculously inflated as some of them were, because I could rationalize paying a lot of money for procedures that I knew to be expensive. But I cannot justify paying ten times the normal rate for a routine doctor visit. That’s a bait and switch, and I refuse to be taken advantage of that way.
  • Doing the Letter Boxed puzzle at The New York Times, the app told me that “bitchy” is not a word. Ha-ha. We know otherwise!
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Finally, Air Frying!

I had been eying a toaster oven/air fryer since before Christmas. I put it on my Christmas list, hoping my parents might spring for it. Alas, they did not.

So I started thinking about buying it for myself. I was struggling to justify it, though. We didn’t need more appliances, and we certainly didn’t need to spend more money. But then my husband and I were at Macy’s, where the oven was in stock, and I was able to get a discount by selling my soul to the Macy’s credit card gods. I simply could not resist.

We waited to use the oven until we got the credit card bill and saw that the discount had been applied (the discount wasn’t listed on the receipt, because Macy’s does things strangely). Tonight we tried the oven’s air fryer function for the first time. We made chicken fajitas, and they came out really good. My husband has already picked out several other recipes to try. If nothing else, at least the new oven got us cooking some new dishes, and I’m looking forward to them.

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A Pat on the Back

Yesterday I got word from my boss that a solver had specifically mentioned the puzzle that I invented. They said, “I hope there’ll be more of these, as it was thoroughly enjoyable to solve.” Yay!

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My husband has been working on the stairs in preparation for carpeting them. He screwed down the treads so that they barely squeak now, if at all. That’s great. I mean, who wants squeaky stairs? But those squeaks were a head’s-up that someone was moving up or down the stairs. You always knew when someone was approaching. Now they can sneak up on you and surprise the snot out of you. Less squeak, more eek!

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Practically Perfect

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin, A+

The plot: Young Minli runs away from home to find the Old Man of the Moon so that she can ask him how to change her family’s fortune for the better.

My impression: The narrative is beautifully structured–a series of stories within stories–and utterly charming. The only thing that bothered me a tiny bit while reading was not knowing if the stories were traditional or made up by the author. But, at the end, there is an “Behind the Story” chapter in which the author answered that very question! There may be no such thing as a perfect book, but Where the Mountain Meets the Moon comes as close as to make no difference.

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