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There is nothing so fatal to character as half-finished tasks.
— David Lloyd GeorgeMeta
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Category Archives: Baby 2
A Wealth of Ideas
Dear Livia, I didn’t write a single letter to you or Marshall in 2020. Sorry about that. It was a difficult year, thanks to the Coronavirus, and my daily “Pandemic Days” blog posts ate up most of my writing energy. … Continue reading
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Random Kid Stories from 2019
Dear Kids, Here are some random stories about you from 2019. “Never waste diamonds on a hoe.” This, Marshall told us, is the second rule of Minecraft. I’m certain that he didn’t understand the double entendre (YouTube strikes again), though … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall, Livia Says, Marshall Says
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A Series of Series
Dear Livia, You are in third grade now. You like your teacher, and you are doing well in all of your subjects. In the past, it has always been math in which you most noticeably excelled. This year you seem … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Reading
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Notes, Cryptic and Otherwise
Dear Kids, I wish I had done a better job of writing down stories about you. In going through my old journals and lists, I’ve found dozens of notes that were supposed to be turned into blog posts. I assumed … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall, Livia Says, Marshall Says
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Readers, Artists, Athletes, and More
Dear Children, Just a few days ago the two of you secretly worked together to set up a Story Nest as a surprise for me. I was tired, so I let you do all the reading. It was wonderful to … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall
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Last Thoughts at Night
Dear Kids, When you were babies I got into the habit of checking on you each night before I went to bed. I wanted to make sure you were still breathing. I know that probably sounds paranoid, but if you … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall
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How to Water a Captis
Dear Kids, A few months ago, you each got cactus plants. One of you wrote down instructions for watering it. How to Water a Captis: Get a teespoon fild wif waoter and waoter him once evree mounth. I know it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall
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Creativity Club
Dear Kids, One night last year, Livia was working on a story. She asked if she could write downstairs. “Of course!” I replied (because if somebody want to write, then they should be able to write anywhere they want to!). … Continue reading
Writing and Playing
Dear Kids, Here are some stories about you. You have always loved communicating with handwritten notes. You leave them all over the house. Recently I found ones that said “Can we play Minecraft togotor?” and “Will we be nis?” Livia … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia, Dear Marshall
Livia, Scientist
Dear Livia, Your science fair was yesterday. You and I had a great time, but it was a rough road getting there. To be honest, I hadn’t even wanted you to sign up for it, because I had a sneaking … Continue reading
Posted in Dear Livia
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