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If you are idle, be not solitary; if you are solitary, be not idle.
— Samuel JohnsonMeta
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Tag Archives: woods
Into the Woods
I went for a walk in the woods today, inappropriately appareled, and will no doubt bitterly regret it tonight when I can’t sleep because of the dozen mosquito bites on my arms. My goal initially had been only to check … Continue reading
Winter Walk on a Pretty Day
On Saturday night, after the kids and I were done playing in the snow, we went to bed thinking that the snowstorm was over. Not so. The rain gave way to snow again during the night. When we woke up, … Continue reading
Christmas Day Walk
My dad and I went for a walk in the woods on Christmas Day. We explored the area below my perching spot. You can tell that it was once a quarry because of the straight lines and man-made marks on … Continue reading
A Walk and a Word
I had my annual physical on Friday. My doctor asked me if I got a lot of exercise, and I said that I did at this time of year. I told her that if there’s snow in the air or … Continue reading
Three Small Goals: Part I
I used to tell people that I was afraid of heights, and I believed it to be true. I don’t like to fall, and I don’t like pain, and I’m almost certain that I would not like death. So naturally … Continue reading
The Woods in Late Summer: Part II
Signs of fall weren’t the only things I found on my late-summer walks. I also found Indian pipe growing in several spots. I think of it as being relatively rare, so it was a pleasant surprise to find so much … Continue reading
The Woods in Late Summer: Part I
I usually don’t go out in the woods during the summer, because it’s unpleasantly hot and I worry about ticks. I went up to the woods three times in the late summer this year, and almost regretted it. As expected, … Continue reading
Mystery Flower #14
I found this Mystery Flower growing in the woods behind a big tree. I had a hard time getting pictures, because it was off the path and I didn’t want to step on any other plants. Plus the insects were … Continue reading
Walking in Spring
I don’t often go into the woods at this time of the year. I don’t like the heat, and there are ticks everywhere. It was a beautiful day Sunday, though. And since my husband cleared a path through the brush … Continue reading
Walking Together
Dear Marshall, I decided a couple of months ago that I needed to get more exercise. It was hard to find the time to walk alone, because I am always either working or taking care of you kids during the … Continue reading