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It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
— Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling character)Meta
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Tag Archives: birds
Hi, Kiwi!
We have two hummingbird feeders in front of our dining-room window, and they get a lot of traffic. There is one particular hummingbird–short and squat, with an incredibly bright orange throat–who not only visits the feeders, but also perches on … Continue reading
Not Birds of a Feather
I took a walk in the woods yesterday. Up at the Scenic Overlook, there was a strange sound, raspy, like something being scraped over and over again. I wanted know what it was, so I crept closer, expecting to find … Continue reading
Day 11: Death and a Bird
Today my Twitter feed was full of names of people who have died from coronavirus. It will get worse before it gets better, and I don’t know how we’ll stand it. For the sake of future context, here are the … Continue reading
Moving On
And now it’s time to wrap up the tale of the baby robins. As you saw in my previous post, they had gotten quite a bit bigger. They soon got to such a size that they filled up the nest … Continue reading
How They’ve Grown!
As the robin babies got bigger and started hanging out (literally) more often, we were extra careful around them. We did not want to inadvertently scare them off the nest, so my husband didn’t take overhead shots every day. He … Continue reading
Always Something to See
One of the nicest things about having a robin’s nest so close is that there’s always something to see when we look out our back door. Sometimes it’s the father hunting and keeping an eye on things. Often one of … Continue reading
Nosiest Neighbors Ever
If there’s anything that my husband and I dislike, it’s nosy neighbors. We’re not interested in other people’s drama, and we don’t like to be watched. So we have always carefully avoided looking too closely into the lives of anyone … Continue reading