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All of us, we make mistakes. And at times we are lost. And as we get older, we learn we don’t always have control of things — not even a president does. But we do have control over how we respond to the world. We do have control over how we treat one another.
— Barack ObamaMeta
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Category Archives: Mysteries
SITY: Sloooooooow-Blooming Mystery Plant
This is a picture of the newish plant that is growing along the edge of the driveway. I first noticed it during the winter, and I’ve since found it growing in two other places. It has buds on it now, … Continue reading
Day 264: Springtails on Waterslides
On Thanksgiving we noticed that there were tiny bugs all over everything outside, including our trash and recycling bins, even our front door. It was an overcast day and none of the pictures I took turned out very good, but … Continue reading
Posted in Local Flora and Fauna, Mysteries, Pandemic Days
1 Comment
Day 159: Fifth Clover?
Earlier this year I spotted a new plant growing near the end of my driveway. Looking at both the flower heads and leaves, I thought this mystery flower was likely to be a clover. Going on that assumption, I searched … Continue reading
Day 157: More Research Required
Given how many new plants I’ve found in my yard this year, I’m beginning to think that if I wait long enough, every native and naturalized plant will eventually show up here. Not that all of them are the kinds … Continue reading
Day 155: New & Blue
Let me introduce you to a mystery flower I discovered in July. This plant goes by the name Venus’s looking glass. I bet you could never guess how this unprepossessing plant got such an evocative name. There’s nothing mirrorlike about … Continue reading
Mission Accomplished
The black specks make me think that it’s mountain cranberry, but that’s a problematic identification. Mountain cranberry is rare in Massachusetts and its status is listed as “Endangered.” According to the state’s Fisheries & Wildlife page for mountain cranberry, “only … Continue reading
Mystery Flower #15
I spotted this peculiar hairy plant while out walking last week. This was a tough plant to identify! I looked through my field guides multiple times. I ran numerous Internet image searches. Nothing looked exactly like this plant. I was … Continue reading
Mystery Flower #14
I found this Mystery Flower growing in the woods behind a big tree. I had a hard time getting pictures, because it was off the path and I didn’t want to step on any other plants. Plus the insects were … Continue reading
Mystery Flower #13
As I mentioned in last Friday’s post, there is an invasive plant that is trying to take over my violets’ turf. I have been unable to identify it, and I suppose that means it’s a good subject for a Mystery … Continue reading
Mystery Thing #7
This is not a Mystery Thing in the usual sense, because I know what it is. It is ice. Specifically, it is ice bursting out of the ground. I see a lot of this kind of ice in the woods. … Continue reading