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People’s memories are very short—a lucky thing, I always think.
— Miss Jane Marple (Christie character)Meta
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Tag Archives: childhood
Who’s the Psychic?
When I was a child, my mother often told me that I was psychic. Apparently I used to just randomly come up to her and start talking about whatever she happened to be thinking at the moment, and I did … Continue reading
Train, Train, Don’t Go Away
Dear Marshall, One day we went to the library and they had a wooden train set on an activity table. You fell in love with it. You would have played with it all day, and I felt so horrible when … Continue reading
A Favorite Thing
A Favorite Thing: Owl Candle Holder This candle holder is precious to me as a reminder of my aunt Thaniel, who died when I was just a child. I acquired the owl many years later, after my grandfather died. I … Continue reading
Posted in Memories, My Favorite Things
Tagged candle, childhood, dehoarding, family, internet, photos, spirit
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Lessons Learned
I really hate it when adults, particularly ones who are over 30, blame their parents for all their problems. They say, “My parents messed me up so bad that I’ll never be able to live a normal life. I’m emotionally … Continue reading
The Weekly Poirot
How far would I have to go back in my memory to reach a time when I didn’t know who Agatha Christie was? I remember playing Trivial Pursuit while on vacation at my grandparents’ lake cottage. I was maybe 10 … Continue reading
Posted in Marple Marathon, Reading, The Weekly Poirot
Tagged childhood, Christie, moustaches, quotes
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Glass Act
I love glass. I always have. When it’s worked into interesting shapes, I find it hard to resist. I’m not the only one to feel that way, which is why so many glass items are collectible. Glass insulators have always … Continue reading
Vacation Day 1
For our family vacation this year, we managed to talk my mom into renting a cottage on Keuka Lake (one of the Finger Lakes in New York state) instead of the usual Chesapeake Bay locale. Not that Maryland isn’t nice, … Continue reading
Posted in Memories, Out and about
Tagged childhood, family, photos, vacation, water, yesterday
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Winter Salad
For weeks, it was too cold for me to be easily lured outside, but today was beautiful. I decided to run some quick errands, including a stop at the grocery store to pick up some fresh produce. The grocery store … Continue reading
Haiku Cuckoo
Are you cuckoo for haiku? I remember writing haiku in school. It was a popular assignment all-around because it required so little effort. Kids could write it easily. Teachers could grade it quickly and kindly. What wasn’t to like? Years … Continue reading
Apple Crisp
Apples usually keep a long time, so I was surprised when I pulled some recently-purchased Cortlands out of the fridge and found that they were all soft. Some of them were definitely bad and I threw those away, but the … Continue reading