Random Quote
Most people never look up. They go about their busy little lives wrapped up in their busy little concerns here on the ground like ants in an anthill. Amateur astronomers—and nature people in general—are people who sometimes stop to look up, and to take the time to find out about what they see.
— Alan MacRobert (a senior editor of Sky & Telescope magazine)Meta
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Tag Archives: water
My Favorite Martian
Dear Marshall, You are quite the talker, but you don’t speak English. You speak Martian. It is a difficult language, and though I’ve been working hard to learn it, I have only translated a few words so far. Here they … Continue reading
Le Pee
I think I want to read this book. Not only don’t you need to drink eight glasses of water every day, you cannot in any way make your complexion more youthful by drinking water. Your body’s water-balance mechanisms are tuned … Continue reading
Radio Waves
Dear Marshall, The clock radio in your room has nature sounds, including ocean waves and a babbling brook. Every night at your bedtime, we set it to play one of those sounds. Our theory is that the white noise helps … Continue reading
A Little Prayer
When I was out walking Friday, I had to skirt around some flooded paths. I remember looking at the flowing water and thinking how grateful I was that my home seemed so high and dry at a time when so … Continue reading
Looking for Spring
On Friday I went for a walk, looking for spring. I knew it had to be out there somewhere. And I found it.
Vacation Day 2
On the second day of my vacation, we all went to Niagara Falls. I had never been there before, but I wasn’t expecting much. It’s a huge and famous waterfall, but it also has a sappy reputation, thanks to all … Continue reading
Vacation Day 1
For our family vacation this year, we managed to talk my mom into renting a cottage on Keuka Lake (one of the Finger Lakes in New York state) instead of the usual Chesapeake Bay locale. Not that Maryland isn’t nice, … Continue reading
Posted in Memories, Out and about
Tagged childhood, family, photos, vacation, water, yesterday
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Water, Water
I couldn’t have said it any better than this. No matter where I am, and even if I have no clear idea where I am, and no matter how much trouble I may be in, I can achieve a blank … Continue reading
Hot Stuff
I am grateful for hot water. This place is going to be freezing cold during the winter. I got a taste of it last February, and I didn’t like it one bit. But we seem to have an abundant supply … Continue reading
An Afternoon Walk
Images from an afternoon walk— Sections of the canal covered with floating autumn leaves. Zigzagging trails of clear water marking the passage of ducks. A capped jug bobbing cheerfully in the river. What’s in the jug? Moonshine, maybe. Or maple … Continue reading