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Silly boy, the nipple is just the straw.
— A Hospital NurseMeta
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Category Archives: Sunday Stories
How Peeps Came Home
Did you ever wonder what became of Peeps, poor cat who was lost in the woods? I did. I knew she had come home, but I did not know how she managed to escape the clutches of Old King Fisher. … Continue reading →
A Sunday Story, For Real
Sunday was my day off. Well, sort of a day off. I did laundry, washed dishes, cleaned the bathroom, paid bills, and watched the kids at times, so it’s not like I got to sleep the day away. But I … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Next, Next Part
Going through my drafts, I found this next installment of the Peeps story. I can’t believe how long I let it sit there. Wow. I offer ten times as many apologies as usual, especially to Peeps, who would like her … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Next Part
Of course, an animal can’t be naked in the same way as people, since they typically don’t wear clothes (excepting the toads, which are considered peculiar by the other animals). What Peeps meant was that Old King Fisher didn’t have … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Part VII
Please don’t mind the roughness of this installment. I’ll flesh it out later. For now, I just want to get another part of the story down. For the first part of the story, click here. “Come,” said the toad to … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Part VI
Can you believe I missed my Sunday Story post yet again? At this rate, I won’t finish the story until next year. Poor Peeps! Anyway, here is the next installment. For the first part of the story, click here. Ferns … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Part V
This is actually last Sunday’s post, so I’m going to add the usual “apologies” tag to this post. Sorry! I’ll try to get another installment out later this week. For the first part of the story, click here. The toad … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Part IV
OK, so it’s Wednesday and not Sunday. I’m bad. I admit it. But here is the next installment of the story, better late than never. For the first part of the story, click here. “Because there’s a party in the … Continue reading →
The Adventure of Peeps: Part III
I am so tempted to backdate this post so it looks like I wrote it yesterday, but I just can’t lie like that. Here is the Sunday Stories post with my apologies for being late again. For the first part … Continue reading →
Ooopsy Sundays
I’m not surprised that recent Sundays have been lacking Sunday Stories posts, but there’s really no excuse for it. I will try to do better in the future.