Category Archives: Marshall Says

Can’t Argue With That

Here is a discussion that I had with Marshall a few weeks ago. Marshall: I don’t want to go to school. Me: I know, but you’ve got less than a month to go. The school year’s almost over. You’ve got … Continue reading

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Family Talk

I got an automated call the other day. It was supposedly from the hospital with which I have a pay dispute. The robotic voice asked me to call the hospital back at their “business office,” but the phone number it … Continue reading

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Almost Ready for School

After several online shopping sessions plus a marathon hottest-day-ever shopping trip yesterday in a car with no air conditioning (ugh!), I am mostly done with back-to-school shopping. Today I purchased some KN95 masks. I wish I had thought to order … Continue reading

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When it comes to hobbies, there are, I think, roughly three types of people in this world: Those who have no hobbies and depend on other people and mass media to amuse themselves. Those who have one or two hobbies … Continue reading

Posted in Crazy Me, Livia Says, Marshall Says | 1 Comment

What the Kids Say

The kids call grilled cheese “grilled chez,” and they call maple seeds “attack helicopters.” I try not to listen to Livia’s after-school meets with her friends, but occasionally I overhear scraps of conversation. One day I thought I heard her … Continue reading

Posted in Livia Says, Marshall Says | 1 Comment


Marshall came into my office today while I was working. I was formatting some text, and I showed him how it was done. He asked me if I was excited to be creating content that other people enjoy and to … Continue reading

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Dreaming on a Chilly Night

By the time I thought about taking a walk today it was already getting dark. The temperature was down to 14 degrees, two degrees lower than that last time I had checked the thermometer. I needed to hurry up and … Continue reading

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Day 281: Parent Logic

Tonight the kids and I had another Christmas craft night. While we crafted, the kids explained “Parent Logic” to me. I wrote down everything they told me so that I could share it with you. I’m sure you will find … Continue reading

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Day 205: Decorations

Trick-or-treating has not been cancelled by the state or the town, but we already told our kids that it’s not happening this year. The kids deserve to celebrate Halloween, though, so we’re going to have to do more around the … Continue reading

Posted in Marshall Says, Pandemic Days | 1 Comment

Day 145: Rainbows and Oaks

Isaias turned out to be a strange storm. Mostly it hit us with wind, but for a little while we had slashing rain interspersed with periods of sunlight, creating an on-again, off-again rainbow. Just when it seemed the storm was … Continue reading

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