Random Kid Stories from 2019

Dear Kids,

Here are some random stories about you from 2019.

“Never waste diamonds on a hoe.” This, Marshall told us, is the second rule of Minecraft. I’m certain that he didn’t understand the double entendre (YouTube strikes again), though he may have suspected that there was a joke in there somewhere. However, he takes his Minecraft seriously, and after thinking about it more, he amended his statement, saying that it was maybe the third rule, the first two being “Never dig straight down” and “Never dig straight up.” Good to know.

Saturday, October 26th, was your first fencing tournament, the Pumpkin Smash. Before the competition the head of the fencing academy gave a speech which was inspirational but so philosophical it probably went right over most of the kids’ heads. He talked about how fencing is “like life, but super condensed.” He reminded the competitors not to be distracted by things that weren’t important, to focus on their technique and not on winning (“Observe and correct”). He told them that they could win or be beaten, but they couldn’t lose unless they gave up. You both took 4th place, which was good (parity makes life easier whenever children are involved, because it forestalls jealousy). Livia maintained a wonderfully positive attitude. Marshall was extra mindful of his technique. You both made me proud.

We still don’t clean the house as often as we should, but we must be improving, because you no longer assume that cleaning means visitors will be arriving imminently. Now you at least ask, “Is someone coming over, or are you just cleaning?”

On Tuesday, the last day of your summer vacation, we took you to Worcester for the day. We went there primarily for furniture shopping. The bedroom set we’d been thinking about buying was priced nicely at a furniture store there. We not only bought the bedroom set for ourselves, but we also got a good deal on a new bedroom set for Livia. Afterward, to reward you for your patience, we took you to the Ecotarium, which you were just young enough to still enjoy. The highlights were an outdoor marimba/xylophone on the playground, a little train ride around the perimeter of the property, a bubble-making installation, and a wind booth. There was also a gift shop, where we bought mood rings and astronaut ice cream, proving that museum gift shops haven’t changed much since I was a kid.



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