Admittedly Late

I am a procrastinator. It took me years just to admit it. 😉

But seriously, procrastination is a problem in my life. I am weighed down by a gigantic mass of pending tasks, from the small things, like loading the dishwasher, to the big things, like making financial decisions. Even when I start to work on tasks, I handle them slowly, methodically, as if still unconsciously trying to avoid action, as if doing them slowly enough might mean that I never get them done at all.

Just recently, when I was trying to make a decision about something, my husband said that if I waited long enough, taking action would seem weird, so I should just wait and it would become a nonissue. He said that was my usual approach to problems. Ouch!

He’s right, though. I do sometimes handle things that way. But not Sunday Stories, dammit! Yesterday was indeed Sunday and yes, I did fail to post, but I was at a holiday cookout. On a holiday weekend, Monday is as good as Sunday, so expect to see the next Sunday Story installment later today.

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