The Truth About Green Bees

Among the insects that visit my yard are little green bees, and what I call them is “little green bees.” I know that they’re technically “sweat bees,” but I usually don’t call them that, because it’s an icky name. That name comes from their supposed attraction to sweat and other salty fluids. There was actually a story in the news recently about a women who was experiencing pain in her eye. When she went to the hospital, the doctor found four bees living in her eye. They were a type (very tiny) of sweat bee. Gross, but interesting.

Another thing about sweat bees is that they can sting. I have not yet been (and I hope I never will be) stung by one. Yesterday I was a little concerned that I might be, though, when a green bee landed on my foot and seemed disinclined to leave. I gently shooed it with my finger.

The little green bee responded, “Oh, you want me on your hand instead? Okey-dokey.”

(No, Bee, that was not what I wanted.)

Luckily for both me and the bee, I did eventually convince him to fly away. He did not sting me or try to take up residence in my eyeball, and I did not swat him. Peace continued in the yard.

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