Rhapsody in Blue

The asters were amazing this year. I found not only the usual white asters, but also pink, purple, and blue. I found them in the woods, and I found them in the meadows. One day, there were so many asters blooming, and so many bees on them, that the loud and persistent buzzing made me feel anxious, though also delighted that there was so much insect activity.

I took a lot of pictures. Very few came out well, so I’m not sure I can do the Asters of 2019 justice, but I’ll try. I’ll start with the wowiest: the blue asters.

Mass of Blue Asters
I found these beautiful asters growing near one end of the path that runs along the power lines. Usually I don’t like to walk near power lines, because the noise grates on my nerves. These lines don’t hum, though, so I was able to mostly ignore them. I found so many new types of flowers growing there in the late summer that I want to go back in the spring to see what blooms then.
Cluster of Blue Asters
White, pink, and yellow flowers have always seemed to be more common than blue ones. Perhaps that’s why I fell so deeply in love with these rare-seeming asters. I may have to bring some of their seeds home with me next time. I need more blue asters in my life.
Single Blue Aster
While researching some of the other plants that I found along the path, I came across this post about power line corridors. The power lines had seemed like a major downside to this particular path. I hadn’t considered that their very existence was the reason that the path was there and the reason that the land was open to so many types of insects and plants. I like this picture as an example of the variety that I found there. It has so many different shades of green, different shapes, and different textures. Diversity is a wonderful thing.
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2 Responses to Rhapsody in Blue

  1. Pingback: Flower Catalog | Blue-Footed Musings

  2. Pingback: An Ostentation of Asters | Blue-Footed Musings

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