Day 1: King Lear

On Twitter today, people are pointing out the Shakespeare wrote “King Lear” while he was quarantined. Apparently we’re supposed to find inspiration in this and each pen our own masterpiece while we isolate ourselves. Does a blog post count? If it does, then I also wrote “King Lear” while in quarantine.

Other random thoughts and reportings:

  • Regarding my work deadline, I handed in my issue a little late, but not so late as to get myself in trouble. Plus, my boss is the one who physically hands in the materials when I’m done with them. She was unexpectedly late that day, which made my lateness irrelevant. Whew!
  • I often feel like screaming these days, but usually in the metaphorical sense only. Yesterday all the rage and frustration hit me so hard that I damn near yelled for real. A feeling of impending doom is bad enough, but having an inept and corrupt government just makes the whole thing worse. But then we got word that school would be cancelled for next week. We had already decided not to send the kids to school for a while, but it was a relief to get the news. It meant the local government, at least, was acting, and it meant we wouldn’t have to explain ourselves to the school. The governor has framed this action as moving April vacation up. It’s a smart move that will give them time to work out a plan without too much additional hardship on workers. People were going to have to arrange for care of their children during the vacation week anyway. I feel less like screaming now.
  • I made grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches for lunch today. Livia railed about the tomatoes, but she ate them. That’s progress.
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