Day 39: TP, ENT, Etc.

  • Last night my kids talked me into playing their favorite card game, Butts in Space. It turns out to be a fitting game to play during the pandemic. The whole point of the game is to hoard TP. The player who gets the most piles of TP wins the game.
  • I had an appointment to visit an ENT this week. The appointment has been canceled, though, for obvious reasons. That means it will be months before I can even hope to find out what’s causing my ears to ring so badly.
  • This morning I slept late, and it was wonderful, except that the power was out when I finally got up, so I couldn’t make coffee right away. After sitting around for 10 sad and sorry minutes, trying to figure out what to do with my headachy, caffeine-deprived self, the power came back on, and thank goodness! It’s hard to find things to do when the power is out and you haven’t cleared the sleepy cobwebs out of your brain yet.
  • The reason I was able to sleep late is that I finally finished my medication, which required me to stay on a stricter-than-usual schedule. I am so glad to be done taking it. I also really hope it worked, because I do not want to have to take a third round of medication!
  • Livia surprised me with a gift today. She took a picture of a bee on the Japanese andromeda, printed it, and framed it. Such a sweet gift!
  • I bought two pieces of art from Marshall today. The first one cost me $5 because Livia kept bidding the price higher. We both wanted it, because the scene contains a falling I-Ball Creature that says, “I believe I can fly!”
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