Day 84: Not Organized

I pulled more than a half dozen books off my bookshelf tonight and put them in the donation pile. Most of the books on my shelves are old favorites, so it’s impressive that I managed to find any that I could part with. But this sacrifice, as big as it felt, was not enough to make room for all my new books, which are currently stacked on the floor.

The stacked books aren’t in the way (yet), but I’m trying to organize my office, and I don’t see how I can possibly consider it organized as long as there are books on the floor. I could box them, but I don’t want to. I’ve got at least four boxes of books stashed elsewhere in the house, and that’s already too many. What I really need to do is either give more of them away or stop buying books, but neither option sounds appealing, so I guess I’ll just have to give my office up to the books and work somewhere else in the house ๐Ÿ˜‰

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One Response to Day 84: Not Organized

  1. sprite says:

    Shift some of your books to Livia and Marshall, and that will free up some more space.

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