Day 125: More Books

Today this stack of books arrived.

The Dark on the Other Side, Someone in the House, The Crying Child, The Grey Beginning, The Wizard’s Daughter, Into the Darkness, Houses of Stone, and Prince of Darkness by Barbara Michaels.

I’ve been in just the right mood to continue with my goal of reading all of Barbara Michaels’s books. Sadly, inter-library loans are suspended due to the pandemic, so the library wasn’t going to be able to help me. Better World Books was willing to sell these novels to me for a better than reasonable price. I cannot be certain that the company is as good as it claims to be in terms of its charitable work, but I’ve been happy with the quality of the books they’ve sent me. These all appear to be decent reading copies for their age.

I have two more book deliveries coming soon. One is another batch from BWB, but it’s for Livia. There’s also a pair of books en route from a random small bookstore (in Wisconsin, I think it was). I liked the story of how the owners bought the store, and I felt sad for them that the pandemic hit soon after, so I ordered a couple of books from them. I’m crazy like that. I do believe I am finally done ordering books, though. For now. But who knows how I’ll feel next week? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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