A Time for Goals

I didn’t mean to leave yesterday’s post on such a downbeat note, but I only have so much time for posting each day and I had run out.

My younger self might be disappointed about how my life has turned out, but that’s something I can fix.

When we were young we had dreams. As we grew older, we either lived our dreams, clung to them determinedly without doing anything to make them a reality, or gave them up. I clung to mine for years, but now I find that some of them just don’t suit me anymore, and I also realize how much better it would be to replace them with goals. Like they say, a goal is a dream with a deadline. A goal is something that you can actually achieve by taking a series of planned steps, while a dream is just a nebulous vision for which you have no means of approach. Having an unrealized dream means living in a perpetual state of procrastination, and that’s just not good for anyone.

So I’m sweeping all my old, cobwebby dreams out the door. I don’t need them anymore and they’re taking up space in my already too-cluttered brain. From now on, I have goals.

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