My husband accidentally melted rubber (from a spatula) onto our waffle iron a few weeks ago, and we haven’t had Sunday waffles since. Instead, we’ve had Sunday pancakes. This change is fine by me. It might be possible to remove the melted rubber from the waffle iron, and I will eventually give that a try, but not until I get sick of pancakes and/or nostalgic for waffles.
Today I saw a headline: “4 Things Making Your Living Room Look Messier Than It Is” (from That cracked me up. As if my living room isn’t legitimately messy and only appears to be because of four things! Hahahahahah. Nope. My mess is the real deal.
Unlike some of the other plants that have crisped up under the unrelenting summer sun, the spotted spurge is still fresh and green, so it was very noticeable in the yard today, where I was walking barefoot. Though I only just identified it, it seems to be pretty well established. I hope that stepping on it is not enough to cause skin irritation. I tried not to step on it, but I probably did. I washed my feet off with the hose outside before going into the house, and again in the bathtub with soap and water afterward, just in case. Sometimes poison ivy grows in the yard, too, and of course, there are ticks, so washing off is probably always a good idea.
Livia is so amazingly detail-oriented. When we go out for Sunset Walk, she likes to race down the driveway and get to the road first. Then she reports back to me about how the sunset looks. She tells me the details of how the different colors are combining together. She has also tried just about every possible way to grip the handlebars of her bicycle and has explained to me all the pros and cons of each grip. She went on a bike ride with her Daddy today, and my goodness, was she full of details when she got back!
As I’m writing this post, I can hear thunder in the distance. That’s good. We had a few cool days last week, but now the heat is back with a vengeance. So I hope the storm will come our way and drop some rain on our parched little plot of land.