Day 230: Making Space

Every autumn it starts to get cold, and every time we face the same dilemma: what to do with the air conditioners. They have to come out of the windows, but then where do they go? In the past, we’ve often left our bedroom AC on the floor for lack of a better solution. But this year, I refused to have the serenity of my bedroom ruined that way.

My theory is that every room with an AC ought to have a table under which the AC can sit for the cold months, and that’s basically what we’ve done in other rooms of the house. Unfortunately, we didn’t have space for a table in our bedroom.

But what we did have was an ottoman, and it occurred to us that if the ottoman were hollow, the AC might fit underneath it.

And behold!

The Hollow Ottoman
Plenty of room for an AC in here!

So now the AC is out of the window and tucked out of the sight. And just in time. Frigid weather is on the way.

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