Day 254: Let Us Hope So

One of the first things I’m going to do when this pandemic is over, right after cutting my hair short, will be to get my piano tuned. Before the pandemic I had already put the tuning off several times, simply because the house was a mess and I was embarrassed. Then the pandemic made it so that we didn’t want a stranger breathing our air. The end result is that my beautiful grand piano is out of tune to a degree that even I, who grew up playing on a perpetually untuned and untunable spinet, notice. It’s inadvisable to leave a piano out of tune for a long time, because it might relax into the lower tension and forever want to stay that way. But perhaps the piano and I won’t have to wait too much longer, now that there are several working vaccines on the horizon. Let us hope so (and for many reasons other than the tuning of my piano, obviously).

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