Day 292: K is for Kindness

Earlier today I saw a Facebook meme that asked me for a positive word, specifically one starting with the first letter of my first name, to act as a wish for a better year ahead. “K” is a common starting letter for first names, but much less so for other words. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to think of a good one.

The first word that sprang to mind was “karma.” I could think of several high-profile people who IMHO deserved a big karmic “payback’s a bitch” bite in the ass. That was not necessarily a correct or positive use of the word “karma,” though, and it smacked of vengefulness, which is not the kind of energy one ought to bring to the new year.

Thinking about it now, I realize that the word “kindness” is a more obvious choice (duh!), and a better one. I choose that instead. I sincerely hope that 2021 will bring more kindness into all of our lives.

However, if the people whose names begin with “J” would like to wish for Justice, more power to them!

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