
As I was making the bed today I found a spider under a pillow. Spiders are not allowed in beds, and spider trespass is a crime punishable by death. I felt sorry for the spider, though, so I scooped it up with a Kleenex and let it go outside. I may come to regret this decision. What if it knows how to get back in? And what if the other spiders now think they can trespass with impunity? Maybe I should put up some “NO SPIDERS!” signs around the bed, just in case. You can never be too careful when it comes to spiders.

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2 Responses to Spider-Ban

  1. sprite says:

    The creepy crawlies are really out to get you early this year, aren’t they?

  2. chick says:

    Nothing gets the creepy crawlies more excited than spring weather!

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