Today’s Thoughts

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are screen-free days for us now, so if I want to publish blog posts on either of those days, I must either schedule the posts in advance or backdate them afterward. Screen-free days are good for us, though, so I don’t mind the inconvenience.
  • I explained to Marshall how various types of flowers are striving for dominance in the yard. He said he wants to plant even more aggressive flowers so that there will be a big war. To really get things going, he says he’ll cross violets with dandelions and the resulting “vandiliot” will take over not only the yard but the whole world (mwa-ha-ha!).
  • I was on the waiting list for a vaccine yesterday, but never got called in, which is unfortunate. That particular clinic was offering the Janssen vaccine, which is the type I would prefer to get, since it’s “one and done.” Supplies of the Janssen vaccine have gotten low due to production problems, and now the vaccine is “on pause” while doctors evaluate a rare blood clotting side-effect. Consequently I don’t think I’ll be able to get that vaccine any time soon, so I’ve signed up for a dose of the Moderna vaccine (the type being offered at the nearest clinic) on Saturday instead.
  • I finally got word on my car. It’s still not fixed. The mechanic apparently had trouble getting a usable replacement part, but supposedly he has one now and the car will be ready in a week or so.
  • If all goes to plan (and I’m not assuming it will, because that would be a ridiculous assumption these days, but…), in about 7 weeks I’ll not only have my car back but be fully vaccinated. I’ll be able to go places and see people. Crazy, huh?
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