Swimsuit Shopping Stinks

There are few things more difficult than finding an appropriate swimsuit for a girl who has grown out of children’s and tween clothing sizes but is not yet a teenager. I have shopped both in-store and online. Shopping online is particularly annoying, because every time I find a juniors’ or misses’ suit that looks appropriate, it turns out to be either a girls’ suit that they threw in to trip me up or unavailable in her size. Last week I ordered the one suit I found that looked like it would fit without being too “cheeky,” too big or revealing in the bust, or too much like something a middle-aged woman would wear. When it arrived, the straps turned out to be too long. I am disheartened. She needs the suit for Father’s Day weekend. I ordered one more online today in hopes that it will arrive in time and fit, and I may attempt one more in-store trip. If neither of those endeavors pans out, I will have to attempt to shorten the straps on the suit that we have. I’d really rather not, though. Sewing is not my forte.

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One Response to Swimsuit Shopping Stinks

  1. sprite says:

    Apologies if you’ve tried all of these: Land’s End? (The code MELON currently gets you 50% off.) Old Navy? Maybe Marshalls/TJ Maxx?

    Good luck! I know it would have driven my mother nuts if she couldn’t have just taken me to the store and plied me with suits until one fit!

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