Mixed Messages

We had Chinese food for dinner one night last week. My fortune was “Lotus blossoms smell better when you stop.” The fortune didn’t clarify why one might stop. Presumably it meant “when you stop to smell the flowers,” but it’s impossible to be sure. Messages from the Universe are always subject to interpretation.

From my bag of seashell wisdom, I pulled this message: “We are the heroes of our time, but we’re dancing with the demons in our minds.” This one is a bit of a head-scratcher. Does it mean that we ought to be heroes, but we’re too focused on our demons? Or is it that, from the perspective of the future, our demons will have been forgotten but our heroism will live on?

Perhaps the seashell message is meant to clarify the fortune cookie message. Combined the messages say, “Lotus blossoms smell better when you stop dancing with the demons in your mind.” This makes a lot of sense. Certainly dancing must make it harder to smell flowers, particularly when the stench of demons is on the air.

But what does lotus blossom smell like? And which dance would one do with a demon? The limbo? The tango? Disco? Somehow it would not surprise me if all the demons danced like John Travolta.

The only thing that’s clear is that nothing’s clear.

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