Random 7/19/2021

  • It’s summer now and the stress is low, but soon I will have to rise early in the morning and send the children back to school as if I were a capable adult and as if the world had returned to normal. Only I’m not and it hasn’t. Eek.
  • Today as I was going through the piles on my desk, I found a note that I had written down on a piece of paper. It said, “When you think about where you plan to be in twelve months from now–how imaginative is it?” I don’t know if this was a quote or if I was asking myself that question, or both. It seems like a question worth answering, but my answer is not very promising, which was perhaps the point of writing down the question to begin with. I rarely think about what my life will be like in a year, but when I do, it looks the same as now except the kids are bigger. Totally lacking imagination. That needs to change. So too does my bad habit of leaving cryptic notes on my desk.
  • It amazes me how nearly every time I encounter a new word and investigate its meaning, I will then encounter the word again almost immediately. Today’s word was “transhumanism.” I heard it first in a video clip of a speech by a religious nutjob. I encountered it later in an article in The New Yorker. What are the odds of that happening? Pretty small, I would think. I will take this as a Sign from the Universe that I am meant to know the word.
  • No, I don’t actually believe in Signs from the Universe. I just like the idea of them. So I pretend they’re real. And maybe in doing so I make them real. Or not. Who knows?
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