What’s Up Today

  • I despise DST, but I have to admit that the time change worked in my favor today. I had slept late this morning. Then I set the clock back by an hour, and suddenly it was as if I’d gotten up at exactly the right time.
  • I will be going out later today, first to the library to drop off and pick up books, then to J.C. Penney to grab the items that I ordered online, and then to BJs and/or Stop & Shop to buy some miscellaneous groceries. Before leaving, I should clean out the fridge, make a shopping list, and do some laundry. At some point today I also need to read the research that I printed out for work, so that I’ll be ready to write the blurb that I really don’t want to write but have to (ugh–writing those things is the part of my job that I dislike the most). I’d also like to take a walk in the woods today, if I can find the time for it.
  • Have I mentioned how posh the front door of my house is looking these days? My husband recently repainted it. It used to be red, and now it’s black. Far from paying homage to the Rolling Stones, we were never happy with the old shade of red. The new black matches the window shutters, and it helps to distinguish our house from the neighbor’s (she recently painted her door red). Our new family joke is that black doors are “posh doors.” Now, whenever we see a black door, we say, “Oooh, that’s a posh door.” To make our posh door even more posh, we wanted to add a brass hook on which to hang a wreath. As it turns out, nobody wants to sell me the perfect hook for wreath hanging. All I could find were plastic stick-on hooks and those over-the-door hooks, neither of which we wanted. So yesterday I ordered a brass doorknocker to use as a wreath hanger. It’s shaped like a dragonfly. I hope it will work out, because I spent a pretty penny on it and, since it’s shipping from the UK, I won’t be able to return it. Fingers crossed. May the Posh be with us.
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