Thoughts 1/26/22

  • Both of my puzzle ideas from last year have been approved. The smaller one will get used first. It was created as a replacement for something else, so there is already a space waiting for it to fill, and my boss wants to make the replacement ASAP. The puzzle that it’s replacing will go to puzzle Hell, where it belongs, and there will be great rejoicing!
  • I used to have a ton of binder clips. I’m not sure what happened to them all, but last week I realized that I was down to one. One measly binder clip. I went online to buy more, and I was shocked at the cost. Such high prices for such cheap bits of metal! It took me a while to find a reasonably priced combination, but I finally did, and most of the clips arrived today. Now my cup of binder clips runneth over once more.
  • Covid numbers are finally down in Rhode Island and in the country as a whole. The country peaked at just over 800,000 cases per day, and now it’s down to about 650,000 cases per day, which is still a big-ass, scary number, but clearly an improvement. The Covid map at The New York Times is no longer the single dark purple of a fresh bruise. It’s starting to turn splotchy, suggesting that maybe the bruise is starting to heal. I am not over the stress of it, though. I haven’t kept my worry over the Omicron surge at the top of my thoughts, but it lurks, always there, every day. It’s like an endless spin of the roulette wheel. Every minor physical complaint from the kids feels like a token of doom. I am so worn out from it.
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2 Responses to Thoughts 1/26/22

  1. sprite says:

    Hooray to the puzzles being approved! I’m very excited for you!

  2. chick says:

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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