Random 11/6/2022

  • I got my flu and Covid vaccines Monday before last. I had anticipated feeling like crap for at least 24 hours afterward, but in reality it wasn’t that bad. I got one shot per arm. The flu-shot arm hurt for a few days, as expected, but the pain from the Covid shot dissipated quickly. My joints were a little achier than usual for a while, and maybe I felt more fatigued (hard to say–I’m always fatigued), but that’s all. That is to say, the side-effects were minor. I’m glad to have gotten that done and over with. It’s going to be a long winter.
  • I have a new cell phone. It’s so ridiculously complicated that it’s driving me nuts, but it works better than my old phone, and it has a camera in it that’s better than my actual camera. I’ll probably be getting a monthly phone plan soon, too. Wouldn’t that be something.
  • My book-buying obsession has escalated, because now I’m buying books in French as well as in English. But, most of the French books are cute, little things that don’t take up a lot of space (so I tell myself, anyway).
  • My French lessons aren’t going as well as I’d like. The most recent block of lessons covered both le conditionnel and le gérontif. Both are relatively simple, but because they both involve tacking endings onto verbs, they’re kind of mixed up in my head now, and that’s not good. I miss my high-school French teacher. She would have made sure that I got all it down right (again). Teachers are so much better than apps.
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