Reader’s Ramblings

  • It absolutely boggles my mind that I have almost 17 years of my reading history listed on this blog. The blog simply seemed like a fun thing to do back in 2007. Who would have imagined I’d keep it alive for so long? And it’s awesome to have so much reading history. If only I could convince myself to write a review for each book, like I used to . . .
  • Last year, Marshall saw me add a book to my “Books Read in 2022” list, and he asked, “Why are you adding the book to the middle of the list?” I explained to him that the list was in alphabetical order by title. But it occurred to me then that I’d like to try something different, so this year I’ve been keeping my list in chronological order. It’s simpler, and I can always revert to alphabetical order if I want to.
  • I know it seems like I grade books willy-nilly, but I do have my own sort of reasoning behind it, as I remind myself. An A-grade book is one that I really liked, would consider keeping on my shelves, and would probably recommend to others. A B-grade book is one that I don’t want to keep and probably would not recommend, but that I liked enough not to consider it a waste of my time. A C-grade book is borderline unreadable. Anything below C is a fail.
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