Dreaming of Summer

The last few weeks have been brutal. I can’t seem to get enough sleep. I’ve had no energy for anything but TV, and I’ve been falling asleep while watching it.

As if I didn’t already have enough trouble waking in the mornings, my alarm clock broke a couple of weeks back. Instead of the radio turning on at the appointed time, the clock made a pathetic “zzzt” sound and then returned to silence. Poor thing was all worn out, just like me.

So I stopped setting the alarm on that clock and started using my phone’s alarm to wake me. Then, one night the clock’s alarm mysteriously turned on, and it would not allow itself to be turned off. If this was a sign from the Universe that I needed to WAKE UP, all I can say to that is I KNOW.

The kids complain about having to get up so early, too. They cite scientific studies showing that teens naturally stay up late and need more sleep. They rail about how stupid the school schedule is. All I can say to that is I KNOW. And all I can do is hope that they manage to get through their remaining school years better than I got through mine.

We could all use a break from the early hours, that’s for sure, and one will be coming up fairly soon. The kids are about 2/3 of the way through the school year now. We’ve only got to get through three more months of this early-morning torture. Then will come the leisurely days of summer. A respite. I am so looking forward to that.

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