Delayed Trip

We were supposed to go to Great Wolf Lodge for today and tomorrow, but that didn’t work out as planned. Yesterday I went to do the early check-in, which I had expected to do online, but the instructions were for phones only. ๐Ÿ™ Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about using smart phones for these kinds of things. It’s not just that the technology befuddles me somewhat, but also because I don’t want my whole life dependent on that one piece of technology.

So I went to the website to sign into my account and look for a way to check-in online. That’s when I discovered a startling bit of news: half the water park is closed for renovations. I had not been told about that when I made my reservation. How could they not tell me? And how could they expect me to pay full price for half a park? Not cool.

So I called them up and asked them to move my reservation. They tried to tell me the new date would be more expensive, but when I refused to accept the higher price, the representative pulled a promotional code out of her a$$ that magically made it cheaper instead. Really? Everywhere I turn, I find a business asking for a lot more money than they’re willing to accept, just to see if I’ll go for it. Corporate greed is everywhere. Never accept the first price you’re offered on anything!

So now I have a whole day to fill. Since the kids won’t be skipping school tomorrow, I guess I’d better do my usual Sunday tasks, including laundry. How boring! But I suppose it’s better than being on vacation and being disappointed by it.

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