
  • I tried listening to The Nutcracker Suite on YouTube the other day, but there were all these weird, nonrhythmic beats that were driving me nuts. Turns out it was a live recording of the ballet. All those little thuds were the dancers’ feet hitting the stage. How dare they spoil the music that way! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • At Thanksgiving, it seemed like every conversation wanted to veer off in a political direction, but we steered clear somehow. The only topic we didn’t manage to avoid was Covid, but it’s a tough one to avoid, given that it’s cold season.
  • I have too much stuff in my closet, and I’d like to get rid of some things, but I can’t. Take the crutches, for example. I don’t want them, and I don’t need them. But, my husband and I have both noticed a sad truth about life: if you keep something for a long time and then give it away, you’ll need it soon after. So, I must keep the crutches forever to ensure that I’ll never need them. <sigh>
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