Walking the Walk

Dear Marshall,

You are officially a walker. Just a few days ago, you could only take a step or two at a time before falling on your rump, but today you finally learned how to keep your balance. Tonight, I got you to walk back and forth across the dining room half the evening so that I could videotape you. And you loved it, especially watching the videos afterward. You’re such a ham!

I called your father on the phone and said, “Your son is walking!” He said, “I know!” I guess you were putting on a show for him earlier in the day. We wondered if you might be advanced for your age. When I got off the phone, I checked online. One article said that an 11-month-old can usually stand solo, stoop and squat, but can’t walk alone yet. You’re walking solo at just over 10 months, so you’re way ahead of the game, kid.

Of course, all this success did not come without a price. You’ve bruised and bloodied yourself more times than I can count. Your crib wraps have bloody mouth prints on them because you cut your lip open just the other day. In fact, you looked so beaten up that if it hadn’t been your father babysitting you, I would have wondered if you’d been hit. But it was just you being you. You want what you want. If that means falling on your face a few times, so be it.

You’ve accomplished so much in just 10 months, and I’m proud of you. I hope you will always meet with so much success in life, but with fewer bruises.



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