
Speaking of holiday obligations, I have to make a Christmas list for my mother. She demands one every year. I don’t know if it’s because I buy too many things for myself or if it’s because I want fewer things now, but every year it gets harder to make a list. I just can’t think of a lot of things that I want.

Believe me, I already tried the “I don’t want anything” routine. The punishment for that behavior, above and beyond making Mom mad, is to receive just as many gifts, but not ones that I specifically wanted. I have found that it goes easier on both of us if I just comply. When I do, it takes the strain off of her and then she magically finds things that aren’t on my list but that end up being my favorite presents.

So what do I want this year? I could ask for some DVDs to replace the videotapes that are taking up too much space. I might like a few more old musicals to my collection. There are always some books that I’m thinking about buying, though I have to be 100% sure that I want them before I put them on the list (I’m still in the middle of the Great Library Purge, after all). That’s all I can think of right now. Ideas, anyone?

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