
Dear Marshall,

You’re understanding more and more language each day. You know “milk,” “lunch,” “dinner,” and “upstairs,” among other things. We know you understand them because of the way you act.

You still don’t say much, though. You started with the typical “mama,” “dada,” “hi,” and “bye-bye,” but your favorite word is now, by far, “cookie.” And those five words are about all you say. Every once in a while you’ll repeat a word that someone else has spoken, but then never say it again. Tease!

It will be a shock to your father and me, no matter how much we prepare for it, when you really start speaking for yourself. You see, we’ve gotten in the habit of speaking for you. While we were on vacation with your grandparents, they enjoyed the dialogue so much that they started speaking for you, too. You say the most obnoxious things sometimes, like “Don’t leave, Dada. Mama beats me while you’re gone!” (that’s me trying to get your Dada to stay home and help me amuse you).

Once we get over the shock, it will be wonderful to hear what you really think and learn more about the person you’re going to be, though some part of me will always miss the “ayayayayas,” the “gung gungs,” and the “ghing ghings” of your earliest speech. But no matter what you say or how you say it, we’ll always listen to you.



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