Of Peeps and Poops

Poor Peeps. Not long after we got her, we noticed some loose poops in the litter box. Then we noticed some blood. That didn’t bode well, so we made an appointment for her with the vet. Faithful Reader acquired a sample from the litter box, gleefully labeled it “Peeps’s Poops,” and then shuttled her to the vet. The vet found nothing wrong, but promised to run some tests. On the trip back home, Peeps gleefully pooped in her carrier, a mess that seemed to spread everywhere in an instant—the Big Bang of poops. Poor us.

Peeps’s test results were negative. She seems fine. And yet we still sometimes find extremely unpleasant things in the litter box. What else can we do for her? Nothing but feed her different foods and keep our fingers crossed.

She’s a troublemaker, always leaping, attacking, chasing, scratching, and chewing. And she may turn out to be the fur that broke the vacuum’s belt. But she’s our troublemaker, our belt-breaker. We have given her a name and a home. We have time and money invested in her, not to mention love. She’s our Peeps. Please everyone wish her well.

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