Let’s Talk

Dear Children,

Some people hold their parents responsible for any difficulties they have with language. I suppose that is fair, to a point. Life is certainly simpler if you learn to speak correctly from the get-go. It’s best to have parents who speak the language well.

I suppose you could encounter some language challenges here. I like to mispronounce certain words or “riff” on them. I also sometimes make up my own words. I inherited this trait (as well as some mispronunciations and made-up words) from my parents. Add to this the language antics of your Portuguese grandparents, who are always saying things like “lindo, lindo” and “que linda” to you, and things could get a bit confusing. So I just want to apologize in advance, just in case…

  • Marshall thinks his real name is Marsh Man.
  • Livia thinks her real name is Goo-Goo or Linda.
  • You think that “fresh-up” and “boom-ba” are real words.
  • You use the word “chooch” in place of “chew,” or call syrup “surple.”

I make no apologies for my love of wordplay, though. It is what allows me to appreciateĀ  the way you talk now. For example, Marshall calls the vacuum cleaner a “backineener.” Isn’t that great? And if he wants “another” of something, he says “noor.” Meanwhile, Livia says “meh” when she wants more, and one of her favorite words is “ish,” the meaning of which is still a mystery to us.

I think that if you pay attention you’ll probably learn to speak English coherently. With any luck, you’ll also pick up a good dose of Portuguese. And you might learn, as I did from my parents, how to enjoy language to the fullest. I hope you do.

Language is not just a tool, but also a toy. Have fun with it!



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