Good Advice

From The Water-Babies, some excellent advice for boys:

So, when you grow to be a big man, do you behave as all honest fellows should; and never touch a fish or a head of game which belongs to another man without his express leave; and then people will call you a gentleman, and treat you like one; and perhaps give you good sport: instead of hitting you into the river, or calling you a poaching snob.

The poacher in this book not only drowned in the river, but he then went to this weird Hell where he couldn’t smoke his pipe or drink any beer. Egad! And he was stuck in a chimney for a hundred years and there pelted every evening with hail formed from his own mother’s frozen tears, “those which she shed when she prayed . . . by her bedside” for her “graceless son.”

That’s rough. Now go behave yourselves!

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