A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Dear Marshall,

You lost your first tooth yesterday. It had been loose for weeks, and whatever you did to bloody it again yesterday was enough to sever its last major tie to your gum. You were really upset when you realized that it was going to fall out. So were we. We looked at it dangling thing, barely attached, and we thought how much we were going to miss your perfect little smile. You’re young to be losing teeth, and it might be years before your permanent tooth grows in to replace it.

But then we decided to embrace the inevitable. We encouraged you to push the tooth out with your tongue. We told you about the Tooth Fairy and how happy she’d be to get your tooth. I rummaged around until I found the special stuffed animal that your Auntie Jeanne had given us for this occasion. It has a zippered pouch. We put the tooth in the pouch and then tucked the animal gently under your pillow. At bedtime you and I held hands and chanted, “Tooth Fairy! Tooth Fairy! Wherever you may be, come and take this tooth, and leave a gift for me!” You smiled your gappy new smile.

You started hollering for me first thing this morning. I hurried to your room to see what was the matter, but there was nothing wrong. You just wanted to show me your gift from the Tooth Fairy. She gave you a Sacajawea dollar. I guess the Tooth Fairy knows that you don’t really understand the value of money yet and she just wanted to give you something you hadn’t seen before. I hope you will treasure it as much as she treasures your tooth.



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