Frog Story II

I know I already posted one of Marshall’s frog stories, but I can’t help but want to post this one, too. He gave me the crayons and asked me to write it down, after all. Plus it ends on a little piece of toddler wisdom. So here goes.


by Marshall

Once upon a time there was a frog named Shaggy-Sticky. Siggy-Socky (another frog) ate him. And then more frogs came, and there was a bunch of frogs. All of the frogs, they just ate people. And then a monster ate Siggy-Socky, and then spit him out.

Then the monster ate some fruit and vegetables. But the monster was still hungry, so he ate everything. He ate houses, and dogs, and mountains, and more houses. But no trees.

Now he’s a giant monster. So Superboy, he gets food out of the monster. The food comes out of the monster. The superhero puts the houses back, and grass and dirt. We need grass around our house, you know.

The End

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