Strange Kids

Dear Kids,

You are strange kids. You’re not afraid of doctors at all. In fact, you look forward to going to the doctor’s office.

Today you were scheduled for your flu vaccines, so when I went into your room this morning, I told you that we were going to the doctor. Marshall said, “Oh! I want to go, too!” Livia ran to get her socks, yelling, “I want to go to the doctor!”

You couldn’t wait to get to the doctor’s office, and all the way there, you pretended that the flu was chasing us. “Don’t run into the flu!” Marshall told his dad as we were driving down the highway. It was so funny.

I’m not complaining. I love that you want to go to the doctor’s office, and I love the way you behave when you’re there. Today Marshall handled his flu mist like a pro. Livia had to be held down for the second nasal blast, but she took that pretty well, all things considered. Afterward both of you were excited to have Super Flu-Fighting Powers, and you wore your “I Had a Flu Shot Today!” stickers with pride.

So I’m thrilled with your behavior, but I’m boggled by my good fortune. How did I get such strange but wonderful children?



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One Response to Strange Kids

  1. Faithful Reader says:

    It was me.

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