Story Time

I was working on a Shutterfly album the other evening when Livia came over and said she wanted to tell me a story. She asked me to type it into the computer, so I opened up a new blog post and let her dictate the story to me. It’s a good thing I can type as fast as she can talk! Then Marshall insisted on telling a story, too. And I didn’t want to be the only one who hadn’t told a story, so I made one up for them.

Livia: Once upon a time there was a cow. He ate some grass. And then he ate the remote control. He ate a net. He ate Dora. He went into a box. Then he took my birthday banner down. That’s not good. Once upon a time he ate a cat. He ate a computer. And then he ate a cup. And then he ate markers and crayons. Then he ate my slippers. All the slippers. He ate Mommy and Daddy and Livia and Marshall, too. Then he ate the light and the blocks. He got a tummy-ache. Then he burped a big burp. He said, “Sorry.” And then he ate a window. And he ate the wall. Then he threw up everything. Then he ate a ball. Then he ate all the games. He said, “Sorry.” Then he ate a jewelry box. Then he got the hiccups. Then he’s going to eat the world.

The End

Marshall: Once upon a time there was a frog eating flies. And then he ate a house. And then he ate all of the grass. He was a monster. And he ate all the things in the whole world and he also ate the whole world. Then he ate a cat. He just ate more stuff, and he didn’t say sorry when he burped out all the things and they climbed out. And then he ate a cow, but he didn’t want to say sorry. Then he ate mommies and daddies and Livias and Marshalls. He was a monster, and he was getting fat from eating all of that stuff and he just grew, and then he ate a computer. And then he ate cats. And then he ate slippers, all of the slippers. Then he ate this thing (Marshall waves a CD case) and all the computers and this homework (waving homework paper), too. He ate all the stuff in the whole world and then he burped out all the stuff in the world. And everything else.

The End

Mommy: Once upon a time there were two little kids named Marshall and Livia. Marshall was a boy who liked to wear his green shirt. Livia liked to wear her pink princess dress. One day a monster came to the house and threatened to eat all of their favorite clothes. It ate all of their jammies first. Then he burped everything out. But their jammies were full of holes and covered with the monster’s stomach slime. Marshall and Livia didn’t want the jammies anymore. So they gave the jammies back to the monster and said, “Take them away, please!” And he did. And he was happy. And everyone else was happy that he was gone.

The End

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