Grrrrrl Power

Dear Livia,

The other day I refused to give you something that you wanted, and you threw a fit over it. I said, “I’m sorry that makes you sad.” You replied, “I’m not sad. I’m MAD!” I had to laugh, because it was so similar a story Grammie likes to tell about you. She says that at Christmastime she reminded you to be a good girl so that Santa would bring you lots of presents, and you replied, “But sometimes I get so MAD!”

You do have a bit of a temper, that’s for sure, and a very strong will. You still insist on doing everything your own way, no matter what. For example, sometimes you put your underwear on backwards. I don’t see how that can be comfortable, but if I tell you that they’re on wrong, you say, “But I like them that way!” You sometimes wear your shirts backwards, your tights inside-out, your socks upside-down. We let you wear them that way rather than argue with you.

And that would suggest that you’re capable of putting on your own clothes, right? Absolutely, and you know how to put them on right, too. But sometimes you insist that we help you put them on. If we don’t, you get MAD. Yet if we offer help when you don’t want it, you get MAD!

Your Vovo watches you for a few hours every week. I’m so glad that you get to spend time with her, not only because she’s just about the nicest person around, but also because she sees past your temper tantrums and admires your independent spirit. She has her own special ways of managing you, giving you buttons and baubles and yarn to play with, not to mention a lot of attention and special treats. You’re always in a good mood after spending time with her.

Sometimes when you’re throwing a fit, it seems like you want to stop, but you just don’t know how. You say, “But I can’t help it.” I keep telling you that you can, and I am certain that someday you will get your temper under control. Then, my dearest girl, I think you could rule the world.



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