Stories About Marshall 2014

Dear Marshall,

Here are some stories about you.

One Friday morning you asked me if Livia would be going to see Vovó as usual. I said no, and explained that Vovó wasn’t feeling well. You asked if we could bring her a drink with some medicine. I said we didn’t have any medicine for her. So you asked if we could bring her some food. What a sweet child you are!

You still have your own special names for certain things. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are “first meal,” “second meal,” and “last meal.” You also sometimes refer to items using a generic name first, followed by a specific one. So, for example, you might ask for “the drink that is called juice.” It’s really cute.

In August we went shopping for a new backpack. You weren’t too enthusiastic about the trip. Then you saw an R2-D2 backpack, and you got so excited. No other bag would do. You had to have the R2-D2 pack and the matching lunch bag.

At your annual checkup you had an interesting conversation with your doctor.

Doctor: Do you sleep well at night?
Marshall: Yes. But sometimes I don’t.
Doctor: Do you have trouble falling asleep sometimes?
Marshall: Yes.
Doctor: What helps you fall asleep?
Marshall: I have a ladybug and two foxes. The ladybug likes to eat chocolate and ladybug lollipops. They’re invisible.
Doctor: What’s your favorite food?
Marshall: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And jelly sandwiches. And peanut butter and jelly bagels.

The doctor pronounced you articulate and imaginative. She probably says that about all the kids, but I was nearly overcome with parental pride nonetheless. You really are a great kid.



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