Reactions and Plans

  • I deactivated my Twitter account today. If I don’t reactivate it within 30 days, it will be permanently deleted, and permanent deletion is the goal. I also posted a good-bye message on Facebook, and I’ll be deactivating that account shortly. Last week, I’d thought I’d wait until closer to the end of the year to delete my social media. I expedited the change because I was wallowing too much. A little wallowing was called for, but there are limits, and I have better things to do.
  • My WaPo subscription will end tomorrow, and I canceled the NYT a while ago. So, I’m pretty much without a dependable news source. That’s fine for now. I don’t want to dwell on the news anyway. I’m planning to read through just enough of the headlines each day to get a broad understanding of current events without getting caught up in the details or getting upset about them. That’s how I got through the end of the previous shit-show, and I hope it will work again. My only regret is that I’m not supporting any journalists. I will look for ways to do that next year.
  • I’ve decided not to cut ties with friends and family whose politics disagree with my own. When spending time with these people, I probably won’t deliberately introduce any political topics. But I also won’t shy away from them. If the subjects arise, I’m going to say what I think, and I’m not going to worry too much about anybody’s fee-fees. I’m not going to be rude (I hope), but I’m also not going to coddle anyone’s ego. The time for coddling is over. The time for raw truth has come.
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So many emotions to process. Yesterday was sadness. Today is anger. Now I’m starting to get a terrible feeling in my gut, the beginnings of anxiety. All normal feelings, none fun. But I hope that soon I’ll be able to get past those and settle on that particular form of low, simmering anger that is so good for driving me forward in a positive direction.

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Am I Going to Cry?

Am I going to cry today? I’ve got tears in my eyes, and they’re getting kind of pushy. To hold them in would be a small personal victory, and I sure would love a win, however inconsequential. But I fear, even if I hold them in today, they’ll be back again tomorrow and for all the tomorrows in the foreseeable future.

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It’s the Small Things

Usually the end of Daylight Saving Time hits when I’m asleep, but I happened to be awake and looking at my computer screen as the hour approached 2:00 a.m. last night. I watched the computer’s clock go directly from 1:59 to 1:00. It was the first time I’d ever seen the clock move backward, and it gave me a little smile.

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Delayed Trip

We were supposed to go to Great Wolf Lodge for today and tomorrow, but that didn’t work out as planned. Yesterday I went to do the early check-in, which I had expected to do online, but the instructions were for phones only. ๐Ÿ™ Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about using smart phones for these kinds of things. It’s not just that the technology befuddles me somewhat, but also because I don’t want my whole life dependent on that one piece of technology.

So I went to the website to sign into my account and look for a way to check-in online. That’s when I discovered a startling bit of news: half the water park is closed for renovations. I had not been told about that when I made my reservation. How could they not tell me? And how could they expect me to pay full price for half a park? Not cool.

So I called them up and asked them to move my reservation. They tried to tell me the new date would be more expensive, but when I refused to accept the higher price, the representative pulled a promotional code out of her a$$ that magically made it cheaper instead. Really? Everywhere I turn, I find a business asking for a lot more money than they’re willing to accept, just to see if I’ll go for it. Corporate greed is everywhere. Never accept the first price you’re offered on anything!

So now I have a whole day to fill. Since the kids won’t be skipping school tomorrow, I guess I’d better do my usual Sunday tasks, including laundry. How boring! But I suppose it’s better than being on vacation and being disappointed by it.

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Birthdays, Planes, and Powerlessness

  • I had a good birthday. When I walked into my office in the morning, I found a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a bag of biscoitos. Later I got to spend some time with my husband, whom I haven’t seen much of these last few weeks, because he’s been so busy with work. Then he and the kids and I went to dinner at the nearby Mexican restaurant that we’ve been meaning to try. The food was good, but a bit salty (however, reheated and served with plain rice, it made a yummy lunch the next day). I also spoke to my bestie on the phone. What more could I hope for?
  • Planes sometimes fly over our house, but usually just the very small ones or the very big ones flying so high that they don’t draw that much attention to themselves. Today, we heard such a ruckus above that we went outside to see what it was. It was a pair of fighter jets. Wow. They’re so cool, but so noisy!
  • We lost power suddenly and for no apparent reason this afternoon. I said to my husband, “I hope it’s not WWIII!” As I walked around outside later, because there was little to do inside that didn’t require electricity, I thought about how weird it would be to be relaxing outside and enjoying the late-summer weather as the world at large was, unbeknownst to me, falling into chaos. I realized that if it had indeed been the beginning of the Apocalypse, my joke about WWIII would have made feel bad afterward, as if suggesting the possibility of war could have somehow made me responsible for it. Weird. Perhaps I need to do what my old friend Tony use to always say I should do, and resign my position as General Manager of the Universe
  • While the power continued to be out, I kept thinking about things to do. Every single one needed power. So I sat down with a pen and paper and started a list called “Can Do Sans Elect.” I was just one item into the list (“cut nails”), when the power came back on. Thank God!
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Yesterday I had my first music composition lesson since June. My teacher liked the piece I’d written (the only one I finished over the summer; it’s a chromatic piece that my daughter insisted be named “Burglary”). I enjoyed listening to my teacher’s explanation of why the piece worked. Apparently I was doing a bunch of stuff that I didn’t realize I was doing. He has said repeatedly that he thinks I have talent and “good ears,” and I am maybe starting to believe it. Now, if only I can back that so-called talent up with more knowledge….

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  • After watching all of Netflix’s Geek Girl, which was unrealistic but utterly adorable, I was looking for something else to binge on. I clicked on Bridgerton, not expecting much. It turned out to be very soapy, but also highly entertaining.
  • As today is a day off from work, it would have been splendid to do something fun. Instead I did chores. I paid bills. I organized. Most of all I shopped. It is back-to-school time, after all. Honestly, I had intended to shop for school supplies in person this year, because it’s easier in some ways. But I just don’t like being at the store anymore, so the kids selected from the supplies already on hand, and then I ordered some additional items from Target and Amazon. Old Covid habits die hard, I guess.
  • Having gone through both kids’ wardrobes in anticipation of back-to-school clothes shopping, my next chore will be to bag up and donate their old non-fitting clothes. I also intend to go through my clothes, boxing up everything that’s too small, which will be a lot. Weight gain at my age is normal, but it wreaks havoc on the wardrobe. I’m trying to approach it in a pragmatic fashion. I may or may not lose the weight in the future. In the meantime, I’m not going to pine for my smaller-sized clothes, and I’m not going to dress uncomfortably. I’ll buy a whole new damned wardrobe if I need to.
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  • I am officially on vacation until next Tuesday. Woohoo! It’s an awkward time for taking PTO, though, because I still don’t know if I’m going to get laid off. The axe could fall at any moment. Oh, well. I have no control over the situation or any ability to predict the outcome. All I can do is live my life, same as always. But I’ll probably check my e-mail every evening to find out if anything terrible has happened at work. Otherwise I don’t think I could handle the suspense.
  • A couple more packages arrived today. One package contained new comforters for my bedroom. The comforters had looked pretty online. In person, the colors were different and the fabric felt cheap. Too bad. I guess that’s why God invented returns. The other package contained two bathing suit tops. One top was too tight and will have to be returned. The other fit fine. I think I’ll keep it and make it my back-up. (This may sound silly, especially as someone who swims so infrequently, but I prefer to always have two swimsuits, just in case something happens to one of them).
  • I’ve been sleeping so poorly that I finally decided to try melatonin. I tried 3 mg for a few nights. No effect. So I tried 5 mg. Still no effect. So I tried 10 mg. Nothing. In fact, I slept worse each night that I took melatonin than I usually do, and that’s saying something. The only reason I’m not going completely insane from sleep deprivation is that when I can’t sleep, I can at least rest. But summer is almost over, and soon I won’t be able to rest either….
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I recently planned a little 2-day trip to Great Wolf Lodge for the kids later this year. I haven’t worn a bathing suit all year, so I figured I’d better check to see if my old ones fit. Alas, they don’t. Well, they could do in a pinch, but they pinch. So I ordered two new suits, one of which was technically a “swim dress,” and it arrived today. In the package with it was a clothing catalog that’s clearly meant for older (middle-aged and up) women. I’m half offended and half “Oh, those look so comfy!’

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