Reading in 2023

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Yesterday I had an appointment with the knee doctor. He examined me knee, moved it around, said it seemed to be working fine. But my x-rays show a new area of arthritis along the right side, and he suspects this patch of arthritis is what’s causing the pain. That doesn’t mean that there’s not a deeper problem (such as a new tear in the meniscus), but he thinks we should treat the arthritis first and see how that goes. So he gave me a cortisone shot. He said any exercise that doesn’t cause pain is OK to do. I can exercise the knee at home or go to physical therapy, whichever I prefer. If my symptoms don’t improve within three weeks, I should call him so that we can set up an MRI.

Meanwhile, since the cortisone shot, my knee feels a little weird, but there’s less pain. I’m glad that it feels better, but I’m concerned that I’m only 51 and I’ve already reached the cortisone-shot stage. That doesn’t bode well for the future. But at least the shot seems to be working. Cortisone shots don’t work for everyone.

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Daily Puzzles

I do five puzzles daily at The New York Times, typically in this order: Wordle, Spelling Bee, Connections, Letter Boxed, and The Mini Crossword. The most time-consuming of the five is the Spelling Bee. There are some things that continue to bother and/or interest me about this puzzle.

  • One is that it seems like it ought to be about finding all the words that you can make from the given letters, but in practice it’s about finding the words that the editor favors, because those are the only ones that are accepted by the app. I understand why it’s that way, but it’s often frustrating. You can’t hit Genius level–the natural stopping point–until you’ve reached a certain score. If you happen to get stuck, unable to find any more allowed words, it becomes especially irritating when the app doesn’t accept the words that you give it. Today in unaccepted words were the pangram ALCHEMICAL (which of course means “related to alchemy,” and I can’t fathom why it wasn’t allowed), plus several smaller words including LAMELLA (thin plate or scale), MACLE (twin crystal), MACHE (a salad green, a.k.a. “corn salad”), ALEE (on or toward the lee), and HELLA (very).
  • Though I get frustrated by the words the editor doesn’t accept, I no longer try to get him to add them, even when I am certain I’m justified. For one thing, the wording of the automatically generated e-mail response suggests that he really doesn’t care about anyone else’s input. Understandable, really. He has his method, and he’s sticking to it, as well he should. More importantly, the score required to reach each achievement level is based on how many words the editor expects you to find. So, if he added more words, that might actually make it harder to reach each achievement level, which would not be good.
  • But, I wonder if the app could be improved by allowing more words without requiring them. See, if you play the Spelling Bee in its printed form, you get to decide if a word counts. So, how might it play out if the app were made to be more like that? Imagine if the scoring for the various achievement levels were still based solely on the editor’s list of chosen words, but you could score points for all achievement levels except Queen Bee by playing any word that could be verified in a specified source, such as a particular dictionary edition. Would that be fairer and feel less onerous on those days when you’re struggling with the puzzle, or would it come across as strangely hybrid-y? I couldn’t say without testing it out myself, which isn’t possible, so I’ll never know. Just as well, I suppose. It’s not my job.
  • The other thing I find interesting (spoiler ahead) is that the last word I play–the one that gets me to Genius level–is so frequently an unsavory word. Today’s was CELIAC. Yuck.

Regarding the other four puzzles . . .

  • Wordle is pretty much perfect. It’s quick, simple, satisfactory. That’s why it got so popular.
  • I have mixed feelings about Connections. The concept is great. But, IMHO, the editor doesn’t always adhere to a standard of fair play, and the words/categories skew super young. I also don’t like that you only get a certain number of guesses before you’re shut out of the puzzle. Puzzling is supposed to be fun, and it’s not fun to be told that you don’t get to finish a puzzle. Yes, Wordle shuts you out after 6 guesses, but 6 guesses are all you need, so that limit feels like an intrinsic part of the puzzle. It pushes you to be a good solver, rather than punishing you for being a “bad” one. In Connections, the limit is arbitrary and unpleasant. Why shouldn’t you be able to keep trying combinations until you find the ones that work?
  • Letter Boxed is an interesting challenge, but I think it would be better as a scored puzzle.
  • My current speed record for The Mini Crossword is 12 seconds, which I’ve hit twice, and which I doubt I’ll ever beat. I’m going to keep trying, though!
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  • Healthwise I am feeling better. I’m still a little congested and have a slight cough, but my energy levels have bounced back to near-normal. I’m able to go about my daily business without feeling like the effort might kill me. And though my knee is still totally messed up, I can walk without pain as long as I’m careful going up and down stairs. I have an appointment to see an orthopedist on Thursday.
  • Moodwise I’m feeling much better, at least today. Perhaps it’s the anticipation of snow. We’re supposed to get our first snowstorm of the season overnight tonight. According to the meteorologists, we might get as much as 9 inches of the fluffy white stuff. How exciting!
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Three Days Sick

I spent the last three days in bed with a nasty virus. This is not how I had intended to spend my week off from work. ๐Ÿ™

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Boxing Day Thoughts

It has been a bad year for the blog. I haven’t written much. I could blame it on being busier. My music composition lessons have certainly taken up a lot of my time. But, honestly, I really just wasn’t in the mood to write.

No, let me rephrase that. It went beyond “mood.” I stopped wanting to write. I stopped caring about recording the events of my life. I stopped caring about a lot of things. I don’t know exactly what “broke” me, but this year affected me in a way that I didn’t (and still don’t) know how to combat. My coping strategies weren’t cutting it.

Still, I like to think that, outside of the blog, I’ve put on a good act, and that I seemed perfectly normal, maybe even more energetic, because of my music lessons. I doubt my boss would suspect–I met all my deadlines! My kids might even have been fooled. Probably not my husband (he knows, even if he doesn’t know that he knows). But I knew, and I’ve been unhappy about the gaps in my blog this year. I will try to do better from now on, even if my mood continues to be so horrible.

So, here are my thoughts today.

  • My son did very well on his first-quarter report card. What he didn’t mention was that he’d made high honors. I just realized it today, when I stumbled across the honor roll in the local newspaper. When I congratulated him, he said he was worried that he’d set too high a standard and that next time he might just be “ordinary honors.” I told him that “ordinary honors” would still be really good and that I was so proud of him. OMG, what a wonderful son I have.
  • For Christmas, my daughter asked for some books that might be a little mature for her reading age. I bought them for her anyway, but they arrived late. I gave them to her today and told her that I believed her to be mature enough to handle them, but that if they made her uncomfortable, that she should stop reading them. I added that she could come to me if there was ever anything that she wanted to talk about. She told me that of course she would come to me if she ever wanted to talk about anything. OMG, what a wonderful daughter I have.
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  • Today I got a got phone message from Barack Obama, asking me to vote for Gabe Amo on Election Day. I was already planning to vote for him, but thanks for the reminder anyway, Obama. It’s always good to hear your voice, even if it’s just a recording. I’m not even being sarcastic. Your voice sounds so reasonable. So sane. As if adults are in the room. As if everything will be taken care of. As if the world isn’t falling apart. I wish you’d leave me a message every day, honestly.
  • In my e-mail, I got an e-mail about a class-action suit against Shutterfly, inviting me to join the pile-on. Over the years I’ve been asked to join quite a few class-action suits. I never do, even when I’m thinking to myself, “Yeah, those guys suck!” But I have no beef with Shutterfly. They’re not perfect, but they’ve made some beautiful photo albums and Christmas cards for me, and I can’t imagine suing them.
  • In the snail mail, I got some more medical bills. That really cranks my chain. IMHO, either I should pay for all my health costs and my health insurance (in this scenario, very cheap) should only kick when things get really bad. Or, I should pay for none of my health costs, and my health insurance (in this scenario, very expensive) should cover everything. But, as it is now, I pay most of my health costs and my health insurance is very expensive. What a shit system!
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Halloween 2023

I sprained my knee shortly before Halloween. I wasn’t doing anything physically demanding, just taking a step up the stairs, when suddenly I felt a terrible twisting in my knee, followed by pain. I was on my way to bed when it happened, and it was too late at night for me to fuss over it. I just had to hope that it would miraculously feel better when I woke up. That didn’t turn out to be the case. It was stiff and painful, not so bad that I couldn’t go out trick-or-treating with the kids, just bad enough that it bothered me nearly the entire time.

Livia dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. I would have preferred to buy a premade costume that was complete, but as is so often the case, the manufacturer’s costumes were all trashy looking, really inappropriate for a 12-year-old. I tried to find her an ordinary peasant dress, but hit various snags, including price and shipping times. Ultimately we had to settle for a German barmaid dress, the top of which I adjusted with some stitches and safety pins. The only cape we could get was full-length, so I cut it shorter for her (slightly lopsided, but not worth risking a worse outcome by fiddling with it). We found the perfect basket, and put Cubby (our stuffed-animal wolf pup) into the basket, which we thought was a cute touch and nicer than the bloody wolf’s head we had first considered. That led one person to think that she was dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, but Livia didn’t seem to mind. She was pleased with her costume and enjoyed showing it off.

Let it also be noted that Livia decorated the house with her own homemade Halloween decorations. She’s such a creative self-starter. The decorations were cute, and after the holiday was over, she took them down when she was asked to, no fuss no muss.

Marshall did not dress up for Halloween. I had resolved not to choose a costume for him. I gave him a deadline for choosing, and he didn’t get it done. So, he was wearing ordinary street clothes that night and did not intend to trick-or-treat. His aunt dumped a ton of candy into a bag for him at his grandparents’ house, which was fine, except that then she also encouraged him to trick-or-treat with his sister and cousin. All along the route, people were really nice about giving him candy, too. That kindness was a joy to witness. But, as a mom, I also saw that he was being rewarded for being too lazy to pick a costume and that he was getting far more candy than would be healthy for him to eat. Eventually I had to put my foot down and tell him that he had enough. So, that wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t entirely his fault, and I’m glad that he went out with us and had a good time.

All things considered, it was another successful Halloween. I’ll treasure it as I do all the others that came before. Will there be more trick-or-treating adventures for us in the future? I hope to get at least one or two more. But, it became obvious to me as we walked around that night that trick-or-treating is becoming a thing of the past. There were fewer kids trick-or-treating, and fewer households handing out candy. Later I discovered that it wasn’t just a local phenomenon. Apparently everyone’s doing trunk-or-treating instead these days. Trunk-or-treat seems lame to me, but no one asked for my opinion, and I guess I’m just happy that I and my kids got to enjoy trick-or-treating while it was still the big thing.

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It’s a rainy morning here in Rhode Island, courtesy of Lee, the storm that was once a hurricane and is now a post-tropical cyclone. We weren’t expecting to be hit hard by the storm, but my interpretation of Murphy’s Law is that a failure to prepare for a bad situation is likely to bring on that situation. It’s a form of superstition, not far off from “knock on wood,” but I’d rather be overprepared than underprepared. So, before I went to bed last night, I filled up several bottles and pots with water, just to be safe.

Speaking of water, that’s something we’ve had in abundance lately. This week we had four consecutive days of thunderstorms, one of which brought tornadoes to the area, and all of which brought heavy rain. To my surprise, my phone has started giving me audio alerts, so every time there’s an emergency situation, a woman’s voice suddenly starts coming from the direction of my purse, booming out the details of the alert. It makes the tornado warnings seem even more surreal. The rain killed our nascent crop of grass in the front yard and washed away the top layer of soil, which was heartbreaking given how much we’d paid to get the lawn redone. The back yard became a rapidly expanding lake. I joked that it was God’s way of giving us the swimming pool that we’ve been wishing for, but thank God the rain stopped before the edges of the lake reached the house.

But there was a small bright side to getting all that rain. Our house is on a slab, and a lot of moisture comes into the house through the floors. We often have to run a dehumidifier, which isn’t great, and now that we’re refinishing the downstairs, we’ve decided to try to seal up the concrete floors to block out that moisture. But, whether or not you can effectively seal a concrete floor depends on how much water is actually coming up, and what better time to test that than when the ground is thoroughly saturated. That way you’re getting the “worse case scenario” number. My husband did the test. The results came back higher than expected, but not too high to proceed.

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Lucky, Licensed, and Laughing

Luckily for me, I was able to join AAA for free and renew my license, complete with Real ID upgrade. But, I’m troubled by how the licensing system appears to be working. While I was at the AAA office, quite a few other people came in for DMV-related business. It seems to me that if the if AAA weren’t picking up so much of its slack, the DMV would never be able to get away with offering so few appointments. But AAA is not a free service (I was only able to join for free because my husband has a paid membership). For something as important as a driver’s license–which is needed not just for driving, but also for voting–there should never be anything standing in your way. You shouldn’t have to drive to distant locations, or pay for a AAA membership, or worse yet, be completely unable to renew your license before it expires. I can’t be the only person to have run into problems finding an appointment, and I wonder how others are faring.

P.S. I found out that the birth certificate that I have always thought of as official because it’s original is in fact totally useless for identification purposes. It was issued by the hospital, not the state, and its fancy seal, which looks at first glance like a notary seal, only has the name of the hospital on it. Huh. What’s the point of the certificate then? Why did my parents give it to me, and why have I bothered to keep it all these years? Anyway, it’s a good thing I have a notarized copy of my “real” birth certificate and that I brought it with me to my license renewal appointment.

P.P.S. I didn’t have to get Real ID at this time, but I decided to do it just because I was going to have to eventually anyway. Yes, I was annoyed at having to jump through the same stupid hoops that I’d had to jump through to get my original driver’s license. But I didn’t say so while I was at my appointment. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t, and when, inevitably, I felt the urge to say it, I turned it into my own private joke and had a quiet little laugh instead, thereby sparing the AAA employee from having to listen to me gripe.

I grow more saintly with every passing year. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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