Manic Monday

Wake up. Feed Baby. Change his diaper. Uh-oh. He pees just as I finish cleaning him up, ruining diaper and soaking his outfit. Find fresh outfit for him and fix changing station. Dress him and put him down to rest again.

Run downstairs. Throw load of laundry into wash. Grab lunch and heat it in the microwave.

Spill coffee all over self and floor while heading back to bedroom. Change clothes. Clean up mess. Calm Baby down again. Eat partial breakfast.

Feed Baby.

Drink coffee. Finish breakfast. Watch “Reading Rainbow” for 15 minutes. Get into shower. Bliss. Shower cut short by crying baby. No time for conditioner. Hair is tangly mess.

Baby’s diaper has leaked. Diaper, clothes, swaddle, and sheet all soaked. Thank God it’s only pee. Change Baby’s diaper. Oh, yuck. Umbilical cord leftovers look pussy. Clean with alcohol wipe. Whew. Not pussy, just gross. Find fresh outfit, swaddle, and sheet for Baby.

Baby still crying. Close to feeding time, so feed again. Notice his face scratched all over. Will have to file his nails today.

Run downstairs. Grab snack. Bring up yesterday’s laundry. Pet cats. Have now petted all three within 24 hours. Sadly, that’s the best I’ve done for them in past couple of weeks. Attempt to file Baby’s sharp little nails, but only wake him. Feed to mollify. Change his diaper. Oh, no. Stealth pee. He shoots, he scores. Clean up mess. Find fresh outfit for him. Am forced to resort to sleeveless, orange garment with picture of a frog prince. His fault.

Oh, yuck. Realize have not yet brushed teeth. Brush. Run downstairs and throw laundry in dryer.

Baby still awake, now crying. Sing to him a song inspired by his outfit.

Baby’s a pumpkin.
Sweetie little pumpkin.
Orange pumpkin.
Sweetie little pumpkin.
He’s a frog prince.
Sweetie little pumpkin.
I love my pumpkin boy.

Baby quiets for a few minutes, but clearly not impressed. He’s mouthing again. Can it be time to feed him again? It can. Ugh. Realize the time. Have missed business hours and cannot get any other tasks done today. Double ugh.

Feed baby. Manage to file nails on one hand. Diaper leaks while feeding. His outfit is wet. And so am I.

Run downstairs to get laundry. Baby already crying again. I can hear him from downstairs, but there is water all over the dryer, even in the dryer, from the tub leak above. Wipe it up and run upstairs with fresh laundry. Put on clean gown (only one I have now!) and try to calm Baby. It doesn’t last. He cries and cries and I feel a sense of desperation. I can tune him out, something I’ve learned to do but which makes me feel bad, or I can put him to the breast. It has been over an hour since feeding, so he could actually be hungry. Give in. Feed baby.

Baby stays quiet for five minutes, but then freaks. Diaper has leaked again. What the Hell!

Baby still crying. Husband makes food for me, thank God. He calms Baby but it doesn’t last. It is almost 8:00. Prime-time crying time.

I rock, I walk, I sing him into quiescence again and again, but it never lasts. Only the breast satisfies. Feed Baby.

Try to file nails on his other hand after feeding. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. The sound of poo. Time for a diaper change. He pees on outfit again. Will have to strip him at changing time from now on.

Baby still crying on and off, but at least now Hubby is here to help calm him down. Fold and put away both loads of laundry. Relax for a whopping five minutes. Feed Baby.

Feed Baby

Feed Baby

Change diaper.

More crying.

Let husband take over. Almost asleep…

Hubby calls to me. Our cat Peeps has run outside and is now lost in the woods. We call to her, shake a bag of treats, search with flashlights…

No good.

Cat is gone.

What a day.

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3 Responses to Manic Monday

  1. Pingback: The Cat Who Came Back at Blue-Footed Musings

  2. Pingback: I Love My Peeps | Blue-Footed Musings

  3. Pingback: Blue-Footed Musings » Blog Archive » Your Mom, the Singer-Songwriter

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