More Bad, More Good

I’m in a bad mood tonight. It’s a combination of things.

First, my piano doesn’t sound right. I had convinced myself that it would be OK once the store’s technician came out to do the tuning and voicing. But if anything, it sounds worse now. I’m not looking forward to resolving this problem, but believe me, it will be resolved. I don’t pay that kind of money for something I can’t use.

Second, as you know, my cats are sick. It just sucks that this is happening again and I’m worried for them. I wish I could feel confident that they’ll be cured soon.

Third, one of my old friends has cancer and it has metastasized. He has a wife and child and lots of people who love him and it’s horrible that they all have to go through this. And it’s scary to me personally because he was born in the same year as I was. He’s only 37. People our age should not have cancer.

Fourth, it occurred to me yesterday that I may have made some financial mistakes, and they’re not going to be fun to fix.

Last but not least, I have to take the Christmas tree down this weekend. I hate doing that. It’s a lot of work putting all the ornaments away and it’s depressing.

But, just to state for the record what has always been sort of an unspoken rule here, I’m not allowed to bitch and moan incessantly. There has to be some positive statement at the end of my bitchfest as proof that it isn’t all bad. Because it’s not all bad. It’s never all bad.

Positive: I played the piano again today, listening very carefully, and I’m convinced that there’s something mechanically wrong with it. That makes my next course of action very clear. Call the store tomorrow and demand that they fix it or replace it. Period amen.

More positive: I called my Faithful Reader to ask that he bring me home some deliciously naughty food. I was only looking for comfort food, but the sound of his voice gave me comfort, too. Just talking to him for a few minutes cheered me up.

More more positive: My son is so close to crawling and it’s so much fun watching him learn. I fed him pureed carrot today and he smeared it all over his face. He’s precious, funny, beautiful, and everything else that’s good in the world.

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